如何獲取Microsoft Outlook log文件

安裝卡巴斯基後如果郵件的收發異常,如郵件亂碼等,將程式中的郵件防護關閉後,收發就恢復正常,則有可能是卡巴斯基導致,這個時候需要收集Microsoft Outlook log提供給原廠


In case of a Kaspersky Anti-Virus malfunction, Kaspersky Lab specialists usually request additional data, such as trace or dump files. If Microsoft Outlook is installed on the host, its log file may be necessary for troubleshooting.
How to enable MS Outlook log file generation


  • MS Outlook 2010
    1. Go to File > Options.  選擇 檔案>選項
    2. Click Advanced in the left frame.   點擊 進階
    3. In the right frame, check the Enable troubleshooting logging option in the Other section.
    4. Click OK.   勾選“啟用疑難排解記錄”Restart MS Outlook.
    5. 重新啟動Outlook
  • MS Outlook 2007 and older
    1. Expand Tools > click Options.
    2. Open the Other tab.
    3. Click Advanced Options.
    4. Activate the Enable logging (troubleshooting) option.
    5. Click OK twice.
    6. Restart MS Outlook.


以Outlook 2016  為例,開啟記錄的位置如下圖



Once you have this option enabled, the application troubleshooting log starts registering all information about interaction between MS Outlook 2003 / 2007 / 2010 and a mail server each time a message is sent/received.


Log file location

  • For POP3, SMTP, MAPI protocols

%temp%\Outlook Logging\Opmlog.log

  • For IMAP protocol

%temp%\Outlook Logging\IMAP-usernamedomainname-date-time.log

Sometimes the data can be registered in the log only after closing MS Outlook.
